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Food Equity

BAF is active in a number of initiatives that aim to contribute to enhanced food equity and food resilience in our region.

We are part of the project group developing a Garden Prescription initiative.  This will build from the green prescription and allow GPs and other stakeholders to refer people to community gardens as part of a holistic response to their physical and metal wellbeing needs. This development of this initiative is supported by Pinnacle PHO and involves a wide range of project partners.

We are a partner with Kainga Ora, Sustainable Taranaki and WITT | Te Pukenga piloting an initiative enabling Kainga Ora tenants to access raised planter beds and education on how to cultivate their own vegetables at home.

BAF helped to establish the Eat a Rainbow Foundation Foundation which provides nourishing meals to families in need through charity partners including Gabby Starlit Hope Trust, Rodrique Hope Trust and WISE Better Homes Trust.  The initiative has been the inspired by the generosity of Theory Food and is supported by a range of business partners and philanthropic funders including the TOI Foundation and Lottery Community.

The Youth focused urban farm initiative and KAItiaki Composting (profiled separately on our website) are additional projects that connect into this space.

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